Ironiquement, l’acte protégeant le quagga a été émis le 6 juillet 1886 soit deux ans, dix mois et vingt-quatre jours après que le quagga ait été officiellement déclaré éteint en captivité (le 12 aout 1883 au zoo Artis d’Amsterdam)
Act For the Better Preservation of Game – No 36 1886 – Promulgated 6th July 1886- Governor of the Cape of Good Hope
Source From African Wildlife, 1983, volume 37, No 4, p135
Whereas it is expedient to consolidate and amend the laws relating to game: Be it before enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly thereof: –
The following Game Law proclamations are hereby repealed: that is to say, the proclamation dated 21st March, 1822, entitled “Game Law Proclamation;”, the Proclamation dated 23rd August, 1822, entitled “Amendment of Game Law – Elephants;” and the proclamation dated 4th March, 1823, entitled “ Amendment of Game Law – Elands.”
The word “game” shall for the purposes of this Act, be taken and understood to mean and comprehend the several birds and animals of this Colony following, not being domesticated, commonly known as Xaauw, korhaan, guinea-fowl, pheasant, partridge, grouse, and dikkop, elephant, camelopard, seacow (hippopotamus), buffalo, zebra, quagga, Burchell zebra, buck (comprehending the whole antelope species, with the exception of springbucks actually migrating but including the gnu or wildebeest), hare and rabbit (not being coneys);..
No person, shall, save as is hereinafter provided, kill, catch, capture, pursue, hunt or shoot at, sell, hawk, or expose for sale, game in any part of this Colony, without having previously obtained a game licence… No person, however, shall be at liberty to pursue, shoot, kill, destroy, or capture any elephant, hippopotamus, buffalo, eland, koodoo, hartebeest, bontebok, blesbok, gemsbok, rietbok, zebra, quagga, Burchell zebra or any gnu or wildebeest of either variety, without having obtained a special permission to that effect from the Governor, under a penalty of not exceeding ten pounds sterling for each offence, or, on failure of payment thereof, not exceeding one month’s imprisonment with or without hard labour:
Source: The text above is a faithful transcript of sections 1, 2 and 4 of the Game Law Amendment Act of 1886, enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. There are 17 sections in this Act, which was published only in English.